Today my firstborn, Loops, is 17 and for the first time ever she is not at home and waking up to a birthday with her family, instead she is working as a live-in mother’s help for some friends of the family. She’s growing up. I remember being 17 but today is not about me or my first 17 years it’s about her.
Day one and we loved her more than anyone could ever explain. This bundle who arrived on her due date had us wrapped around her fingers, the fingers she held onto us with so tightly. This gorgeous baby born with a mop of black hair, that became blonde sticky uppy hair that looked like it had got stuck in the wind grew and changed with every day, who gurgled, cried and giggled at everything has grown up into a calm and sensible young lady.
When she was introduced to her new sister Emilia she had hearing difficulties and misheard, so said hello Milla. The name stuck.
3 years later when Lara was born she told Milla that she could hold her baby sister first as she had already held a baby sister.
I wont pretend it was plain sailing, there was the rough and there was the smooth but we’ve worked through problems when they arose and diverted disasters before they happened. We’ve laughed and cried, but we’ve had fun.
Today belongs to Loops. My girl who is gorgeous, kind and caring, has a wicked sense of humour, and a propensity for avoiding chores. I miss her and am looking forward to a weekend of celebrating. A weekend of love, happiness, merriment and memory making.