Well this week I really have no idea where the time goes, it's flown by!
Well actually much of the week has been spent a) watching the dog who has got 56 staples in 3 places following 5 lipomas being removed, b) watching telly - the children not me, though I did watch Endeavour with no interruptions and c) wondering what to cook, what to eat and where has the food gone.
When all of mine are home and their friends are over it's impossible to know what food there is in the house as they're like long legged locusts. The cries of "I'm bored" are replaced with "what can I eat?", thankfully they're all capable and can turn ingredients into edible relatively easy, but all the same where does time go? I slipped back down Memory Lane last week when I popped in to see a friend and meet her mother. Bizarrely another friend said "you probably know Jill as she used to run the newspaper shop at the station". Well yes indeed! The hour or so I spent chatting with Jill was very special hearing about Wokingham from someone who saw every commuter and passenger as they passed by.
How funny, though not really bearing in mind how small the world really is, that Jill's cousin is Bill Mundy who I have been on the radio with a number of times and who more recently I saw at a book launch in Henley. I know there's lots of Welsh folk in the area who might be interested in The Welsh Emporium at the London Welsh Centre on Saturday 3rd March. It's a really fun event with Welsh food, crafts, drinks and lots of Welsh people.
I used to be surprised to hear a Welsh accent when I was a child as I think there were only a few Welsh families in Hurst when I was growing up, now I'm surrounded by the Welsh in Wokingham. There's lovely.