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Tasty! Tiny Rebel Brewery

When Charlie and Anthony shared a photo of a can of beer called Cwtch they said "you need this in your life". They weren't wrong! I first tried Cwtch from Tiny Rebel Brewery at Glanusk during the family camping weekend in July and it was indeed what I needed in my life!

Cwtch is a red Welsh ale. Caramelly, malty, hoppy, easy to drink and the flavours come come through without being overpowering. The cans are catchy to look at and you can't help but smile when you say CWTCH.

Tiny Rebel are an award-winning brewery from Newport, South Wales. They are the youngest and only Welsh brewery to win Champion beer of Britain. What's more they are the only brewery to have won gold, silver and bronze in the Champion Beer of Wales competition (in their first year!) and the only brewery to defend a gold the following year. Oh yes and SIBA Brewery Business of the Year and International Beer Challenge UK Brewer of the Year 2016.

We sank a fair few Clwb Tropicanas at Green Man Festival in August. Just the name conjures up summer living and we were more than happy to be in wonderful Wales with a tasty pint having our favourite summer weekend.

I picked up Clwb Tropicana and Cwtch cans at Abergavenny Food Festval to take home to Big Welsh, who pounced on them. They're now long gone but the good news is you can find them in a variety of places and what's more they also have factory tours which last an hour to an hour and a half where you can learn all about the company which has gone from 2 employees selling to 0 countries in 2012 to now employing 75 people and selling to 20 countries.


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