The girls have all got back into their routine but it's all change as one has a job, one is starting her GCSE years and one is in her last year of junior school. Some time back I wrote this about my life at that age and I thought it was time to update the "diary" to reflect on what it was like when I was at that age.
17 and the first job
Loops is doing an apprenticeship 4 days of the week with one day at college. She's working in a nursery and building on her experience of the childcare course she started last September. She set off with her packed lunch and hair tied up, and came home tired but full of hope. She's had 3 weeks in so far and all seems to be going well. I remember the first day she started at nursery when she was just 4. Time flies.
At 17 I started at secretarial college in Oxford and some of the friends I met there are still in my life. It was all a bit strange to be living away from home and studying having been at boarding school for years, we had freedom, not as many rules and regulations but there was still the pay phone with the pip pip pips!
My first job was working as a secretary for a systems house, looking back I was clueless! My desk faced the 14 desks of the men in the office whilst the Director was in his office. On my first day I eyed the phone with suspicion when it rang and couldn't wait to get home!
14 and GCSES
The start of term and the start of GCSEs - double whammy for Mook. She made her choices last year and is now head down into her course work.
I had no idea what I wanted to be at the grand young age of 14. Back in those days you had to do the core O Level subjects as now and choose 3 options. I went for Roman Civilisation - well I had family in Bath and so was clued up on the Roman Baths, Cookery - I loved cooking and was good at it so of course I was going to pass, little knowing that I would be side swiped by a box of spinach and a bag of lentils and Art which came as a surprise as when I had been asked to draw what was infront of me I drew a London brick and ignored the ivy which was actually the main feature.
11 and the last year of Junior School
I can't believe that we are now in the last year of Junior school EVER after being there twice before! We've had all the paperwork for senior school and it seems very strange that my youngest and smallest is now looking ahead to BIG big school! I suggested to Laree that she was home schooled but she said she wasn't going there so I guess she really is slipping through my fingers!
In my last year of Prep school I was the only girl in my year and mucked in with the boys, it's how it was! I played hockey and cricket with them and my reward for being senior girl was helping out with the team teas!
PS. I managed to cope with the demands of the office and returned the next day! I passed Art and have since cooked with lentils. I've not played cricket since prep school, but I met Big Welsh at cricket and he bowled me over, married me and I became a cricket widow!